26 мая 2008 в 02:29
Тема про замену стандартных Q2 текстур текстурами высокого разрешения, normalmaps, parallax, light-textures, fx.
26 мая 2008 в 13:18
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/specific/bers_uhr<br /><br />Index of /~jimw/q2/specific/bers_uhr<br /> Name Last modified Size <br />Description--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Parent Directory - <br /> Berseker_05-17-2008_..> 17-May-2008 23:38 1.1M <br /> Berseker_05-21-2008_..> 21-May-2008 21:19 17M <br /> upd_zTextures_05-20-..> 24-May-2008 12:54 1.7K <br /> upd_zTextures_05-20-..> 20-May-2008 22:09 25M <br /> zTextures1.pk2 18-May-2008 20:06 454M <br /> zTextures2.pk2 18-May-2008 21:00 98M <br /><br />These screenshots are from "Back At The Front" <br />- http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/Mods1/batf.zip<br /><br />config,cfg<br /><br />set vid_ignorehwgamma "0"<br />set vid_gamma "1.900000"<br />set vid_bright "2.100000"<br />set vid_contrast "1"<br />set r_gamma "0.900000"<br />set r_intensity "2"<br />set r_modulate "1"<br />set r_overbright "0"<br /><br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/batf01_hw0.jpg<br /><br />set vid_ignorehwgamma "1"<br />set vid_gamma "1.900000"<br />set vid_bright "2.100000"<br />set vid_contrast "1"<br />set r_gamma "0.900000"<br />set r_intensity "2"<br />set r_modulate "1"<br />set r_overbright "0"<br /><br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/batf01_hw1.jpg<br /><br />I want the screen brightness of - set vid_ignorehwgamma "0" - <br />and the texture detail of - set vid_ignorehwgamma "1" -<br /><br />Can I do this by editing the values of cvars?<br /><br />I do not understand the function of the three cvars:<br />set r_gamma "0.900000"<br />set r_intensity "2"<br />set r_modulate "1"
26 мая 2008 в 14:44
<br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/smoke.jpg<br /><br />Which cvars or scripts control how Smoke snd Blood are displayed?<br />Where is the data for Smoke and Blood images or particles?<br /><br />I have to much yellow and green in the Smoke.<br />The Blood looks to dense.
26 мая 2008 в 16:30
set vid_ignorehwgamma "1"<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/batf02_hw1.jpg<br /><br />set vid_ignorehwgamma "0"<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/batf02_hw0.jpg<br /><br />How do I reduce the Halo created by these map objects?<br /><br />Sometimes I play Berserker with set vid_ignorehwgamma "1" - more challanging.<br />Sometimes I play Berserker with set vid_ignorehwgamma "0" - more scenic.
26 мая 2008 в 19:41
Better video settings - set vid_ignorehwgamma "0" - http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/config.cfg<br />Dark to be challanging and bright to be scenic<br />Settings dependent on video card and monitor?<br /><br />"Back at the Front"<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/batf02_a_hw0.jpg<br /><br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/batf03_hw0.jpg<br /><br />Quake2 - "Installation"<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/base2_hw0.jpg<br /><br />To do:<br />How to make Halo less bright and more transparent?<br />How to make Smoke the correct color?<br />How to make Blood less dense like a spray of water not a stream of water?<br /><br />Suggestions?
27 мая 2008 в 04:01
Color control using 2 ways:<br /> vid_ignorehwgamma=0, h/w (hardware) gamma ramp control.<br /> vid_ignorehwgamma=1, image gamma/intensity correction in LoadImage programs.<br />I'm using 0.<br /><br />For vid_ignorehwgamma=0 use these cvars:<br /> vid_gamma ("h/w.gamma" in video menu), my value is 1.4<br /> vid_bright ("h/w.brightness" in video menu), my value is 2.0<br /> vid_contrast ("h/w.contrast" in video menu), my value is 1.0<br />This cvars operate immediate after change, does not require vid_restart.<br /><br />For vid_ignorehwgamma=1 use these cvars:<br /> r_gamma ("tex.gamma" in video menu), my value is 1.0<br /> r_intensity ("tex.intensity" in video menu), my value is 2.2<br />This cvars requires vid_restart.<br /><br />Other cvars:<br /> r_modulate ("lightmap gamma" in video menu), my value is 0.3<br /> Ambient-lighted pixel color = r_modulate * lightmap pixel color * texture pixel color<br /> r_overbright, my value is 1.<br /> If 1, scene draw more bright.<br /> hud_overbright, my value is 1.<br /> If 1, hud draw more bright.<br /><br />
Which cvars or scripts control how Smoke snd Blood are displayed?<br />p_splash, p_blood, p_spawn, p_rocket, p_grenade, p_gib, p_shotgun, p_machine, p_explosion, p_sparks<br />This cvars controls how many particles add...<br /><br />
Where is the data for Smoke and Blood images or particles?<br />Textures\Particles\<br />(pak02.pk2, pak11.pk2, ...)<br /><br />
I have to much yellow and green in the Smoke. The Blood looks to dense.<br />No cvars. :(<br />I will to create:<br />p_color_blood_r<br />p_color_blood_g<br />p_color_blood_b<br />p_color_smoke_r<br />p_color_smoke_g<br />p_color_smoke_b<br />and other for color control.<br /><br />
How do I reduce the Halo created by these map objects?<br />Every lightSurf partition add one halo. So, halo looks good if one lightSurf has one partition.<br />In better case, every .BSP file must have .LIT file, "relight" correction:<br />token "ignored_lightsurfs" in .LIT, "ignore_lightsurf" command of relight editor.<br />I will to create new cvar:<br />r_autoflare, default=1, if 0 auto flares does not work.<br />
27 мая 2008 в 15:52
You are the Greatest!<br />Thank you very much for the information and your efforts to create additional cvars.<br /><br />The learning curve is very steep at my house (we like it that way). I will sort through the information you posted (you explain things very well) and implement what I can.
28 мая 2008 в 11:58
I will to create new cvar:<br />r_autoflare, default=1, if 0 auto flares does not work.<br />See cvar r_flares: :)<br />0 - no auto flares<br /># - Halo intensity (default 4, max 16).<br />