179 постов
Карма: 53
#91 25 августа 2008 в 14:04
Do I finally understand? Is this correct?<br />B@Q2 wants http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/hi-res/B@Q2/grass1_7.zip
2326 постов
Карма: 218
#92 25 августа 2008 в 16:25
Yes, are you right.&nbsp; :)
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
179 постов
Карма: 53
#93 25 августа 2008 в 17:26
Hooray!<br /><br />The data I uploaded to http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/index.htm on August 24, 2008 does not support &quot;parallax&quot; for the most part. I will implement parallax for non-metallic textures such as &quot;grass&quot;, &quot;mud&quot;, &quot;rock&quot; and &quot;very rusty metals&quot;. I will create a patch and upload it with installation instructions.<br /><br />Right now, I am playing Quake2 with B@Q2 and the current hi-res packs and enjoying what I see!<br /><br />Thanks for a Great World!
179 постов
Карма: 53
#94 29 августа 2008 в 15:51
Grass, Rock and Mud textures with parallax are avaliable at:<br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/index.htm<br />See August 29, 2008
179 постов
Карма: 53
#95 22 октября 2008 в 16:12
I purchased ShaderMap Pro version 1.1.1 from http://www.shadermap.renderingsystems.com/<br />The output generated - http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/share/grndoor1.zip from<br /><br />grndoor1.tga - 24 bit, no alpha<br /><br />grndoor1_AMBO.tga - 24 bit, no alpha<br />grndoor1_DISP.tga - 24 bit, no alpha<br />grndoor1_NORM.tga - 24 bit, no alpha<br />grndoor1_SPEC.tga - 24 bit, no alpha<br /><br />Bers@Q2 wants:<br /><br />grndoor1.tga = 32 bit = (grndoor1.tga = 24 bit RGB) + (grndoor1_DISP.tga = 8 bit Alpha)<br />grndoor1_bump.tga = 32 bit = (grndoor1_NORM.tga = 24 bit RGB) + (grndoor1_SPEC.tga = 8 bit Alpha)<br /><br />Q2XP2 wants:<br /><br />grndoor1.tga = 32 bit = (grndoor1.tga = 24 bit RGB) + (grndoor1_SPEC.tga = 8 bit Alpha)<br />grndoor1_nm.tga = 32 bit = (grndoor1_NORM.tga = 24 bit RGB) + (grndoor1_DISP.tga = 8 bit Alpha)<br /><br />Quake2XP_pr6prerelease wants:<br />grndoor1.tga = 24 bit RGB, no alpha<br /><br />I can create the 32 bit .tga files in Photoshop. I am not using _AMBO.tga files.<br /><br />Questions:<br /><br />Is my file format correct for Bers@Q2, Q2XP2 and Quake2XP_pr6prerelease?<br />Do _DISP (height) and _SPEC (spectral) look correct?<br />Should I use _AMBO as a filter on _DISP and _SPEC to make a better Alpha channel?
930 постов
Карма: 53
#96 23 октября 2008 в 11:00
Jim! Q2XP2 suffixes for texture names are:<br /><br />bump: grndoor1_bump, not _nm.<br />light, emissive: grndoor1_add<br /><br />Just for beauty&nbsp; ;D<br /><br />Now about textures.<br /><br />Normal-map is too noisy, it should be near flat with perturbations only on real geometric edges.<br />Same is true for displacement (height) map.<br />Oh, and many textures for Bers@Q2 have too blurry normal/height maps. This looks ugly in game :&#39;(<br />Should be more crisp and... larger! It seems good to me to have the following scheme:<br /><br />diffuse128 - bump 256<br />diffuse256 - bump 512<br />diffuse512 - bump 512... Feel no need in 1024.<br /><br />...and make size corrections depending on diffuse texture detail complexity, i.e. simpler diffuse - smaller bump size.<br /><br />Specular is nice but Q2XP2 needs it to be about 1/2 of brightness to look good. Maybe even 1/3, we&#39;re gonna test this later.<br /><br />
Should I use _AMBO as a filter on _DISP and _SPEC to make a better Alpha channel?
<br />Feel free to do anything which leads to better quality&nbsp; :)<br /><br />Also ambient occlusion texture could be used for ambient lighting modulation&nbsp; ;D<br />We&#39;ll think about it.<br /><br />EDIT:<br />And look at the inner grate on displacement map. See white strips on the top of each column? This white part is going to be HIGHER then all other parts of a surface!&nbsp; :o :o :o<br /><br />That&#39;s why my opinion about normal and bump maps is using 3D-modelling and only 3D-modelling!&nbsp; :D<br /><br />EDITEDIT:<br />Q2XP2 also needs height scale values to properly perform parallax mapping. If it is not taken from 3D-model, then it must be determined in the game using artistic eye &amp; taste, but not proper geometric data &gt;:(
1979 постов
Карма: 153
#97 23 октября 2008 в 16:57
for ALL <br />Dont masturbation in Photoshop drawing normal or hight maps - this is wrong!<br />Use 3d editors!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
2326 постов
Карма: 218
#98 23 октября 2008 в 17:14
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
179 постов
Карма: 53
#99 24 октября 2008 в 15:38
At the risk of causing problems - Jay from Quake2World emailed me:<br /><br />Hi Jim,<br />I&#39;m the maintainer of Quake2World (http://quake2world.net), and recently I&#39;ve been implementing <br />per-pixel lighting via deluxe mapping and dot3-bump + parallax mapping.&nbsp; You can see some <br />screenshots of what our levels are looking like here:<br />http://quake2world.net/screenshots<br />I was wondering if you knew of any high-resolution retexturing efforts which provide high-quality <br />normalmaps?&nbsp; If not, and suppose I were to produce some for any of the existing paks you host, <br />would you welcome them to your site?<br /><br />I wrote back:<br /><br />Hi Jay,<br />Answer to last question first:<br />&quot;If not, and suppose I were to produce some for any of the existing paks you host, would you <br />welcome them to your site?&quot;<br />Yes, definitely!<br />Will you make your work avaliable to Berserker@Quake2, Quake2xp and Quake2Evolved engines?<br /><br />Answer to first question:<br />&quot;I was wondering if you knew of any high-resolution retexturing efforts which provide high-<br />quality normalmaps?&quot;<br />I am uploading Atex&#39;s hi-res textures @tex_hirespack.7z.001 through @tex_hirespack.7z.016<br />I reccomment you go to http://forums.quakegate.ru/index.php/topic,357.91.html for some very <br />usefull information.<br />Please email @tex to secure permission to use his work and co-ordinate your efforts.<br />Please PM KRIGSSVIN, Barnes and Берсеркер (Berserker) at the forum <br />http://forums.quakegate.ru/index.php to secure permission to use their work and co-ordinate your <br />efforts.<br />They have been very helpful and friendly towards me.<br /><br />Also look at http://www.teamblurgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211 to contact Cap_Hotkill and <br />Buzzard.
27 постов
Карма: -3
#100 17 апреля 2009 в 20:13
А помните была сборка от @tex&#39;а?
Жду Quake 5 и Doom 4.