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#11 29 мая 2008 в 02:59
r_flares works - I like r_flares 1<br />I will experiment with the other cvars listed in your post above and see what looks best to my eye.<br /><br />I started looking at model skins. So here is my question:<br />(example)<br />models\monsters\infantry\<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; pain.tga, pain_bump.tga, skin.tga, skin_bump.tga,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; What other supported files go here?
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#12 29 мая 2008 в 23:40
Better Monster Skins -<br /><br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/screenshots/<br /><br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/specific/bers_uhr/upd_pak01-models.deadbods.monsters.zip<br /><br />upd_pak01-models.deadbods.monsters contains skin, pain, _bump, _light, .fx and .fx2 files. It is a replacement for the directories models\deadbods and models\monsters found in the original download of pak01.kp2 for Berserker.<br /><br />The data for this file came from:<br /><br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/specific/models.pkz<br />http://rapidshare.com/files/84131698/Quake2_Evolved.7z.001<br />http://rapidshare.com/files/84136104/Quake2_Evolved.7z.002<br />http://berserker.quakegate.net/index.html<br /><br /><br />You can install upd_pak01-models.deadbods.monsters.zip by either of two methods.<br /><br />Method 1<br /><br />rename upd_pak01-models.deadbods.monsters.zip -&gt; zMonsterSkins.pk2<br />and place it in the directory Berserker\BaseBers\<br /><br />Method 2<br /><br />cut and paste the origimal pak01.pk2 into a backup directory<br />create 2 temporary directories - \temp1 and \temp2<br />extract pak01.pk2 into one temporary directory - \temp1<br />extract upd_pak01-models.deadbods.monsters.zip into the other temporary directory - \temp2<br /><br />\temp2<br /> \models<br /> \deadbods<br /> \monsters &quot;If you do not like the blue shimmering skin effect delete all pain.fx and skin.fx files.<br /><br />\temp1<br /> all the pak01 directories and files<br /> \models delete the directories \deadbods and \monsters<br /><br />cut and paste the directory \models from \temp2 into \temp1<br /><br />select everything in \temp1 and zip the contents, name it pak01.zip<br />rename pak01.zip -&gt; pak01.pk2<br /><br />cut and paste pak01.pk2 into Berserker\BaseBers\<br />delete \temp1<br />delete \temp2
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Карма: 53
#13 31 мая 2008 в 17:04
If you see texture errors like this (rectangle light overlapping oval light)<br /><br />Please post a screenshot so I can find them and make a correction pack.
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#14 01 июня 2008 в 17:19
color and light textures mismatch?
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
179 постов
Карма: 53
#15 02 июня 2008 в 05:18
Yes - color and light textures mismatch<br />zTexture1.pk2 and zTexture2.pk2 are the best high-res textures I have foundover the past 5 years combined with @Tex&#39;s _bump and _light textures. This is a lot of files and I may have missed a match thus the mismatch. The mismatch could also be due to a texture file in pak01.pk2<br /><br />The file structure of Berserker is getting very patched with many .pk2 files. I downloaded everything, extracted everthing and repacked each directory as a .pk2 (I left pak00.pk2 unaltered)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I am current looking through the \models to make sure they are consistent and there are no models present that the creators do not want publicly avaliable.<br />I will ask Kirk Barnes if I can adapt some of the models in q2xp0.pkx from Quake2xp. If you see this post, what do you think?<br />The Quake 2 Evolved project seems to be inactive since 2006&nbsp; and many packs are out on the internet so i plan on seeing if I can adapt any models for use in Berserker.<br /><br />I think this structure will make Berserker more maintainable. What do you think?
1979 постов
Карма: 153
#16 02 июня 2008 в 06:41
q2xp0.pks contane only weapon shells models and model of &quot;F1&quot; computer. In hud models i load from pak0.pak (original q2)<br />its all in md2 format, and free for all<br />about my hi-poly model pak - mdv models is a renamed md2&nbsp;
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
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#17 02 июня 2008 в 07:11
What other supported files go here?
<br />Skin<br />Skin_bump<br />Skin_light<br />Skin.fx with effects.<br /><br />1. folder \Players do not pak!!!! &nbsp; &quot;Player menu&quot; does not work with packed \Player data! &nbsp;:o<br />2. delete &nbsp;glprogs.pk2! &nbsp;This folder (\glProgs) need for gl-progs override! Berserker.exe already content gl-progs inside. If you play Berserker with glprogs.pk2 (with old versions inside) - you may get graphics errors and mismatches.<br />3. where sp_hud.txt? &nbsp;:)<br /><br />I will repack data in final. May be in this structure...
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
179 постов
Карма: 53
#18 02 июня 2008 в 14:32
To Barnes - Thank you.<br /><br />To Berserker -<br />1. I will unpack \Players<br />2. I will delete glprogs.pk2 and see what Berserker looks like now<br />3. Ooops! - sp_hud.txt is back in \BaseBers, I must have deleted it by mistake<br /><br />About repack - When I downloaded your files from http://berserker.quakegate.net/index.html on May 31, 2008<br />1. constructed Berserker game from those files only<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; - game threw the error - Initialization Failed<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; - I deleted the files zflarepatch.pk2 and zflarepatch2.pk2 and the game started normally<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; - I opened the console &quot;~&quot; and typed in: bind f +flashlight<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - the flashlight worked but was pointing 90 degrees to the right<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;- I deleted this construction of Beserker<br />2. I copied my files from my current game into a new Beserker directory, including engine version 1.0 release, zflarepatch.pk2, zflarepatch2 and TestParallaxOverrides.pk2 so it looked like what I download on&nbsp; on May 31, 2008 (with the addition of TestParallaxOverrides.pk2)<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;- the game started without errors and the flashlight worked correcly after I opened the console &quot;~&quot; and typed in: bind f +flashlight<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- I must have altered some content at some time!?<br /><br />
I will repack data in final. May be in this structure...
<br />I will make sure that updates I make to zTexture1.pk2, zTextures2.pk2 and Model-Skins are compatible with the structure you use
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Карма: 218
#19 03 июня 2008 в 03:09
Jim,<br />in your upd_zTextures_05-20-2008.zip all normalmap-TGAs is 24-bit.<br />Texture loader expand all [RGB] to [RGBA with A=1.0]<br />So, RGB normalmaps have max flat specular (stored in Alpha channel).<br />upd_zTextures_05-20-2008.zip is not correct for use in Berserker.
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
179 постов
Карма: 53
#20 03 июня 2008 в 05:37
Are these correct?<br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/broken1_1.tga<br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/broken1_1_bump.tga<br /><br />If they are I will fix the rest, delete upd_zTextures_05-20-2008.zip and upload