03 июня 2008 в 07:27
No correct.<br />Not need save white flat alpha channel.<br /><br />Texture.RGB = color<br />Texture.A = detailedBump intensity or heightMap (parallax mapping) or holes in "fence" texture<br /> (if Alpha channel not present, Alpha = 1.0, maximum)<br /><br />LightTexture.RGB = light<br />LightTexture.A = effect intensity (chrome, power, map)<br /> (if Alpha channel not present, Alpha = 1.0, maximum)<br /><br />Bump.RGB = normal<br />Bump.A = specularMap<br /> (if Alpha channel not present, Alpha = 1.0, maximum)<br /><br />See manual: http://berserker.quakegate.net/counter.php?file=52 (Tex&Mdl.rar)
03 июня 2008 в 07:51
zflarepatch.zip contain all light filters (rotated for new rules)<br />zflarepatch2.zip contain correct 9_ft.jpg (fixed x,y sizes)
03 июня 2008 в 16:50
Thank you for post above and Tex&Mdl.rar - I see a difference now<br /><br />No alpha in 24-bit color texture and no _bump (flahlight off)<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/broken1_1-noBump-f.jpg<br /><br />No alpha in 24-bit color texture and _bump is 32-bit with gray scale alpha (flahlight off)<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/broken1_1-Bump-f.jpg<br /><br /><br />No alpha in 24-bit color texture and no _bump (flshlight on)<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/broken1_1-noBump+f.jpg<br /><br />No alpha in 24-bit color texture and _bump is 32-bit with gray scale alpha (flshlight on)<br /><br />fullsize screenshot http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/broken1_1-Bump+f.jpg<br /><br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/<br /> broken1_1.tga 07-Oct-2006 10:32 48K <br /> broken1_1_bump.tga 03-Jun-2008 11:27 64K <br /><br />refresh http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/ to get the most recent <br /> broken1_1.tga 07-Oct-2006 10:32 48K <br /> broken1_1_bump.tga 03-Jun-2008 11:27 64K<br /><br />Are the two .tga files correct?
04 июня 2008 в 02:47
broken1_1.tga - 24bit tga, correct if you not use parallax or per-pixel detailedBump for broken1_1.<br />broken1_1_bump.tga - 32bit tga, correct. But, specularMap (Alpha channel) is a less contrast clone of Green channel.<br />My specularMap same as doom3's texturename_s.tga
04 июня 2008 в 05:36
Are you saying -<br />Use the Green channel from broken1_1.tga to create the alpha channel in broken1_1_bump.tga.
04 июня 2008 в 06:13
Use the Green channel from broken1_1.tga to create the alpha channel in broken1_1_bump.tga.<br />I'm not said it! :o<br />You took green channel of broken1_1_bump.tga (or broken1_1.tga ?) and put it in alpha channel of broken1_1_bump.tga<br />It's mistake.<br />Use alpha channel for specular map!<br />For example: metal parts have high alpha (high light specular).
04 июня 2008 в 20:10
Thank you, I think I have it correct.<br />Please look at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/images/ber/alpha/ and download new version of broken1_1_bump.tga<br /> broken1_1.tga 07-Oct-2006 10:32 48K <br /> broken1_1_bump.tga 04-Jun-2008 15:09 64K <br />Is the alpha channel what you expect for Berserker?<br />It looks very good in game.
05 июня 2008 в 02:57
Bit not correct: you made high alpha for armature contours.<br />Make high alpha for armature.
05 июня 2008 в 05:42
OK, I am getting close, right?<br />I am using Photoshop 6.0 and have started to learn about:<br />Bump map<br />http://reality.artificialstudios.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/BumpMapping<br />http://www.modwiki.net/wiki/NvidaNormalMapFilter_(tool_overview)<br />Specular map<br />http://www.modwiki.net/wiki/Start_a_Specular_map_with_a_Normal_map<br /><br />Have not found much information on alpha for armature contours and alpha for armature.<br />Do you have a link or a direction for me to follow?<br /><br />Let me know if I become a Pest.
05 июня 2008 в 08:31
"true" normalmap make in 3d editor (3ds max, maya, lightwave)<br />from hi poly model<br />photoshop filter for normalmaps - natural perverse