28 февраля 2009 в 15:53
Hi im from Argentina, the other side of the world, sorry bad english im ten years old and speak spanish. I install the game today to test this great port. The graphics are amazing. The performance in my card is poor in any config, even in 640x480. But the best i can do was disable the world shadows "r_worldshadows 0", with this simple code line in console the performance its great, even in fx5900 mode of shadows and dinamic shadows of models. So if any knows how configure this card, i appreciate a lot. thanks. =) <br />and i request the help docs of berseker in english if possible for developers or a russian friendly guy. thanks.
01 марта 2009 в 06:18
Hi<br />My english is bad too ))<br />You have GF6200 and FX5900 ?<br />IMHO FX5900 better than 6200, use FX5900.<br />Simple render path (r_simple=1) very like a Quake2 graphics ;D Use this for very poor video, as Intel.<br />Try to use Generic4 or NVidia4 render paths to improve performance.<br />Also, you can disable many features: mirrors (r_mirrors=0) and others.<br />English version of all docs in my plans. You can use translator Russian-Spanish now.
01 марта 2009 в 18:16
alvabsas<br />I found and fixed bug in Generic4 and NVidia4 renders: brocken lightfilters draws.<br />Update will be uploaded into site very soon...
18 марта 2009 в 11:27
alvabsas<br />download update version 1.11 ;)