26 ноября 2009 в 23:32
Hello!<br /><br />I don't speak russian, so I hope you guys can help me anyway. I really LOVE the Berserker mod! I looked forward to see the cool railgun effect, but I see it's laser now instead of blue and white spiral, which is the best weapon in all of FPS games for me.<br /><br />I would like to know how to change the railgun laser back to spiral, even if it looks ugly now?<br /><br />Keep up the GREAT work! Thanks.
27 ноября 2009 в 05:14
For example in console:<br /><br />rail_core "1"<br />rail_spiral "1"<br />rail_radius "3'<br /><br />-try different numbers.
27 ноября 2009 в 09:53
rail_core - color index for core (0...7)<br />rail_spiral - color index for spiral (0...7)<br />rail_radius - spiral radius, if 0 - no spiral. Set to 3 or more
27 ноября 2009 в 15:34
Thank you! I found it myself already. Now I'm playing COOP with my brother and he get's dc's every 30 secs or so. Is it Windows 7 or something else? Thanks!
27 ноября 2009 в 20:01
and he get's dc's every 30 secs or so<br />not understand...