133 постов
Карма: 18
#21 13 ноября 2009 в 14:03
Решил от нефиг делать проийти квак в сотый раз,сделал мини-мод - фриплей - можно с эпизода на эпизод ходить(на биг гане это не выйдет ;) )подабавлял вражин айтемов,смотрел все ли везде правельно работает,так вот то заметил на майн гейте в самом начале:<br />http://pic.ipicture.ru/uploads/091113/L2WM9UJVCN.jpg<br />где-то еше такое-же замечал<br />впринципе не критично но фиг знает как это выглядеть после релайта - надоб там темноту &quot;навести&quot;
691 постов
Карма: 65
#22 13 ноября 2009 в 15:48
это все гастарбартейры криворукие!Макрон сэкономить хотел,и вот результат! ;D<br /><br />QuakeZombie,держи врепу за наблюдательность!так ты релайтишь?<br />
жили-были три свиньи - Нах-Нах, Пох-Пох и Пиф-Паф

что ты сделал для Строггоса!? что ты наделал!!!
133 постов
Карма: 18
#23 13 ноября 2009 в 18:14
Я к сожелению даж берсКу2 запустить немогу - до сих пор на буке,написал сюда- так как решил что это можо спрятать поиграв со светом(или &quot;затуманить&quot; это место если можно)<br />Да например трубу какую-нить приделать туда<br />ПС а все спасибо ганеру(или берсеркру)-я там кого-то в дверях завалил и пока внизу глушил рыб(я в воду дофига рыб напустил)<br />смотрю что-то маячит тудя сюда начал фотать(хелсов от того и мало что внизу рыбки подедают,а я то &quot;притонул&quot; то дверь уехала)<br />кого именно благодорить не известно - когда я поднялся там валялось мясо
2326 постов
Карма: 218
#24 13 ноября 2009 в 20:09
еще лучше туда модель какую нить воткнуть, и сказать что так и было :D
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
691 постов
Карма: 65
#25 30 ноября 2009 в 22:21
Этеншн!Атансьон!Ахтунг!Внимание!<br />Апдейт,господа!<br />Обновление скрипта редактора,тестовая сборка.Из режимов пока доступны:редактор лайтов(F1),редактор декалей(F2) и редактор моделей(F3).На данный момент ведется работа над редакторами тумана и эмиттеров.Запускать так: +r_editor 1 +map mapname +exec editor.eds .после запуска клавишами F1,F2 или F3 выбрать режим работы.<br />Berserker.exe во вложении является неофициальной сборкой для теста скрипта.<br />скрипт<br />новая концепция раскладки клавиш.иллюстрированный тутор пока только для лайтэдитора:<br /><br /><br />By zeraphim at 2009-11-30<br />...то ли еще будет!...
жили-были три свиньи - Нах-Нах, Пох-Пох и Пиф-Паф

что ты сделал для Строггоса!? что ты наделал!!!
179 постов
Карма: 53
#26 02 декабря 2009 в 05:02
@tex - Do you have the text from the .png image above that you can post here? I can copy the text and translate it into English. I can figure out some of Editor.pk2 by looking at the .des files, but the comments are mangled like this:<br />//ðåæèì èçìåíåíèÿ øàãà ñåòêè êîëåñîì ìûøè<br />alias +gridStep &quot;bind mwheelup stepUp; bind mwheeldown stepDn;bind mouse1 stepUp2;bind mouse2
691 постов
Карма: 65
#27 02 декабря 2009 в 13:16
Just_Jim<br />it will be good, if you will help me with translation!I did it myself,but as you can see, in some cases I translate wrong. %)<br />download little bit corrected editor<br /><br /><br />By zeraphim at 2009-12-02<br />
жили-были три свиньи - Нах-Нах, Пох-Пох и Пиф-Паф

что ты сделал для Строггоса!? что ты наделал!!!
179 постов
Карма: 53
#28 02 декабря 2009 в 18:19
This is a very understandable. I want to re-light and replay some missions. This will give me practice with your Editor inreface.<br /><br />script for Berserker@Qauke2 editor<br />The main purpose of this Project is to make working with the Editor easier by relying less on Console Commands. Editor activities are associated with keys and the mouse wheel. Selecting a property (key) and changing its value (mouse wheel) is greatly acclerated.<br />Basic Principles: Choose an Editor Mode - lights, sprites, etc.<br /><br />...and now I will play BQ2 Editor - thanks for the new Game<br /><br />P.S. This is very tricky - it will take me some time to figure it out.
179 постов
Карма: 53
#29 03 декабря 2009 в 18:00
I am starting to understand how to use the Editor. Here is the start of the Editor_manual translation. I keep losing the character set and formating.<br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/BQ2_Q2xp_textures/Docs/editor_manual_english.txt<br /><br />Let me try Copy-Paste-Post<br /><br />script editor Berserker @ Quake2<br /><br />The main purpose of this Project is to make working with the Editor easier by relying less on Console Commands and thus expedite and facilitate the work of the editor. Many Editor activities are associated with keys(object propery) and the mouse wheel (value of ptoperty).<br /><br />To start the Editor: place the file editor.pk2 in the directory \BaseBers, Creaete a shortcut for Berserker.exe, Add the Command Line Parameters + r_editor 1 + map_nochecklit 1 + map [MAP_NAME] + exec editor.eds<br /><br />The basic working principle is as follows: choose the Editor Mode ( F1 - F5), Select the object (m.button1). Hold down a key corresponding to the parameter to change, Rotate the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the value, Release the key. By default Movement Key (W, S, A, D, SHIFT, SPACE, CTRL) work the same in all Editor Modes (F1 - F5), mouse button1 will select an object and the mouse wheel can be used to select the Next or Previous object. Keys associated with a parameter of a selected object are marked with an asterisk *. The mouse wheel default step value is 4. Key &quot;Q&quot; can be used to change the size of the step (see &quot;* Q - modified grid step&quot;).<br /><br />Profiles Editor<br />F1 - light sources&nbsp; (F10 - switch to link to sources)<br />F2 - Decals<br />F3 - model<br />F4 - emitters<br />F5 - Fog<br /><br />Other function keys<br />F6 - save changes to the *. lit<br />F7 --<br />F8 - Team vid_restart<br />F9 - reserved for Fraps<br /><br />Other function keys<br />F10 - switch on to link sources<br />F11 - Output<br />F12 - Screenshot<br /><br />Other keys<br />Delete - deletes the selected object<br />Backspace - noclip<br /><br />Mouse<br />m.button1 - Selects the nearest object, either one of the cursor<br />m.button2 - Includes Trace<br />m.button3 - Deselect<br /><br />Zoom<br />E - the scale of a whole object and axes<br />R - the scale of X axis<br />F - scale on the Y axis<br />V - the scale of the Z<br /><br />prefab light<br />* 1 - spherical light R = 100<br />* 2 - spot light downward, R = 300<br />* 0 - sun wheel move along the Z axis with step 100;<br />1/2kn.m. - Changing the axis of motion zheniya;<br />3kn.m. - Create and change type of the sun<br /><br />* Q - modified grid step<br />m. wheel - change by 1<br />m.button1 - Multiply by 2,<br />m.button2 - Divide by 2,<br />m.button3 - Resetting<br /><br />* Tab - rotate angle, m.wheel change by 1,<br />1kn.m./2kn.m. - Choose from a List of Angles<br />3kn.m. - Reset to Default<br /><br />Movement on the map<br />W - forward<br />S - back<br />A - left<br />D - Right<br />Shift - down<br />Space - up<br />Ctrl - run / walk<br /><br />copy / paste<br />C - copy selected Lightsource properties<br />Z - Paste Lightsource properties to current Camera postision<br />X - cut selected Lightsource properties<br /><br />* Alt - 1kn.m. - Copy selected Lightsource properties<br />2kn.m. - Paste Lightsource properties to current Camera postision<br />3kn.m. - Cut selected Lightsource properties<br />m.wheel - Paste Lightsource properties to selected Lightsource<br /><br />Moving the origin of the selected object (hold down the key and use m.wheel)<br />* T - change position on Z axis<br />* G - change position on X axis<br />* B - change position on Y axis<br /><br />Object rotation (hold down the key and use m.wheel)<br />* Y - rotate object the axis A<br />* H - rotate object B-axis<br />* N - rotation of the object on the C<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />// @tex - I have not played with the features listed below. Also, Mouse description is unclear - I have a 2 button mouse. - What is trace?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Using brush<br />* M - Mode Selection Brush<br />wheel - Iterate<br />Brashe<br />1kn.m. - Make the current<br />brush invisible<br /><br />Surface Properties<br />I - cancels the glow<br />plane<br />O - cancels the transparency<br />plane skayboksa<br /><br />Source Properties<br />* P-makes current<br />light point<br />wheel change cone<br />1kn.m./2kn.m. - You -<br />Bira direction of 6<br />parties<br />3kn.m. - Choose a cone<br />from the list of values<br />* + exec editor.eds<br /><br />The basic working principle is as follows: choose the Editor Mode ( F1 - F5), Select the object (m.button1). Hold down a key corresponding to the parameter to change, Rotate the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the value, Release the key. By default Movement Key (W, S, A, D, SHIFT, SPACE, CTRL) work the same in all Editor Modes (F1 - F5), mouse button1 will select an object and the mouse wheel can be used to select the Next or Previous object. Keys associated with a parameter of a selected object are marked with an asterisk *. The mouse wheel default step value is 4. Key &quot;Q&quot; can be used to change the size of the step (see &quot;* Q - modified grid step&quot;).<br /><br />Profiles Editor<br />F1 - light sources&nbsp; (F10 - switch to link to sources)<br />F2 - Decals<br />F3 - model<br />F4 - emitters<br />F5 - Fog<br /><br />Other function keys<br />F6 - save changes to the *. lit<br />F7 --<br />F8 - Team vid_restart<br />F9 - reserved for Fraps<br /><br />Other function keys<br />F10 - switch on to link sources<br />F11 - Output<br />F12 - Screenshot<br /><br />Other keys<br />Delete - deletes the selected object<br />Backspace - noclip<br /><br />Mouse<br />m.button1 - Selects the nearest object, either one of the cursor<br />m.button2 - Includes Trace<br />m.button3 - Deselect<br /><br />Zoom<br />E - the scale of a whole object and axes<br />R - the scale of X axis<br />F - scale on the Y axis<br />V - the scale of the Z<br /><br />prefab light<br />* 1 - spherical light R = 100<br />* 2 - spot light downward, R = 300<br />* 0 - sun wheel move along the Z axis with step 100;<br />1/2kn.m. - Changing the axis of motion zheniya;<br />3kn.m. - Create and change type of the sun<br /><br />* Q - modified grid step<br />m. wheel - change by 1<br />m.button1 - Multiply by 2,<br />m.button2 - Divide by 2,<br />m.button3 - Resetting<br /><br />* Tab - rotate angle, m.wheel change by 1,<br />1kn.m./2kn.m. - Choose from a List of Angles<br />3kn.m. - Reset to Default<br /><br />Movement on the map<br />W - forward<br />S - back<br />A - left<br />D - Right<br />Shift - down<br />Space - up<br />Ctrl - run / walk<br /><br />copy / paste<br />C - copy selected Lightsource properties<br />Z - Paste Lightsource properties to current Camera postision<br />X - cut selected Lightsource properties<br /><br />* Alt - 1kn.m. - Copy selected Lightsource properties<br />2kn.m. - Paste Lightsource properties to current Camera postision<br />3kn.m. - Cut selected Lightsource properties<br />m.wheel - Paste Lightsource properties to selected Lightsource<br /><br />Moving the origin of the selected object (hold down the key and use m.wheel)<br />* T - change position on Z axis<br />* G - change position on X axis<br />* B - change position on Y axis<br /><br />Object rotation (hold down the key and use m.wheel)<br />* Y - rotate object the axis A<br />* H - rotate object B-axis<br />* N - rotation of the object on the C<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />// @tex - I have not played with the features listed below. Also, Mouse description is unclear - I have a 2 button mouse. - What is trace?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Using brush<br />* M - Mode Selection Brush<br />wheel - Iterate<br />Brashe<br />1kn.m. - Make the current<br />brush invisible<br /><br />Surface Properties<br />I - cancels the glow<br />plane<br />O - cancels the transparency<br />plane skayboksa<br /><br />Source Properties<br />* P-makes current<br />light point<br />wheel change cone<br />1kn.m./2kn.m. - You -<br />Bira direction of 6<br />parties<br />3kn.m. - Choose a cone<br />from the list of values<br />* [- Speed<br />change the wheel velocities<br />nent<br />1kn.m./2kn.m. - You -<br />Bira axis of rotation<br />3kn.m. - Resetting<br />speed on the current axis<br /><br />Source Properties<br />J - changes the start parameter<br />for linking sources<br />K - casts no shadow on<br />Objects<br />L - casts no shadow on<br />World<br />- Does not affect bampmap<br />&#39;- Sets direction<br />tion lamp on the camera<br /><br />* Home - appointment of light -<br />Filter<br />wheel - select filters;<br />3kn.m. - Reset;<br />* End - the appointment of light -<br />stajl<br />wheel - choice of style;<br />3kn.m. - Reset;<br /><br />PageUp - look like<br />the game<br />PageDown - outside in<br />Editor mode<br /><br />Original Downloaded Version<br />http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jimw/q2/BQ2_Q2xp_textures/Docs/editor_manual.txt
691 постов
Карма: 65
#30 04 декабря 2009 в 10:08
Just_Jim<br />look like the editor basic principles is correctly described.can I use it like header text?<br />what`s mean trace you already find out I think.wheel is not work like a button in your mouse?<br />some button description translated word by word and is incorrect.maybe:<br />Profiles Editor<br />F1 - Lightsources(Lights) (F10 - switch to linked Lights)<br />F2 - Decals<br />F3 - models<br />F4 - emitters<br />F5 - Fog<br /><br />Other function keys<br />F6 - save changes to the mapname. lit<br />F7 --<br />F8 - command vid_restart<br />F9 - reserved for Fraps<br /><br />Other function keys<br />F10 - switch on to linked Lightsources<br />F11 - Quit menu<br />F12 - Screenshot<br /><br />Other keys<br />Delete - delete the selected object<br />Backspace - noclip<br /><br />Mouse<br />m.button1 - Selects the nearest object, either one of the cursor<br />m.button2 - switch on/off Trace<br />m.button3 - Deselect<br /><br />Zoom<br />E - the scale of a whole object and axes<br />R - scale object by X axis<br />F - scale object by Y axis<br />V - scale object by Z axis<br /><br />prefab light<br />* 1 - spherical light R = 100;<br />* 2 - spot light downward, R = 300<br />* 0 - sun wheel move along the Z axis with step 100;<br />1/2m.b. - changing the axis Sun to move;<br />3m.b. - create Sun and change type of the Sun<br /><br />* Q - modified grid step<br />m. wheel - change by 1<br />m.button1 - Multiply by 2,<br />m.button2 - Divide by 2,<br />m.button3 - Reset to default value(g=4)<br /><br />* Tab - rotate angle, m.wheel change by 1,<br />1m.b./2m.b. - Choose from a List of Angles<br />3m.b. - Reset to Default value(a=5)<br /><br />Movement on the map<br />W - forward<br />S - back<br />A - left<br />D - Right<br />Shift - down<br />Space - up<br />Ctrl - run / walk<br /><br />copy / paste<br />C - copy selected Lightsource properties<br />Z - Paste Lightsource properties to current Camera postision<br />X - cut selected Lightsource properties<br /><br />* Alt - 1kn.m. - Copy selected Lightsource properties<br />2kn.m. - Paste Lightsource properties to current Camera postision<br />3kn.m. - Cut selected Lightsource<br />m.wheel - Paste copied Lightsource properties to selected Lightsource<br /><br />Moving the origin of the selected object (hold down the key and use m.wheel)<br />* T - change position on Z axis<br />* G - change position on X axis<br />* B - change position on Y axis<br /><br />Object rotation (hold down the key and use m.wheel)<br />* Y - rotate object the axis A<br />* H - rotate object B-axis<br />* N - rotation of the object on the C
жили-были три свиньи - Нах-Нах, Пох-Пох и Пиф-Паф

что ты сделал для Строггоса!? что ты наделал!!!