27 июня 2012 в 14:25
Hello to Everyone! Berserker, I Wonder if you would Add Support for The Reckoning and Ground Zero to your Quake II Engine.Berserker and Everyone, Reply Plz.
27 июня 2012 в 15:08
2THE-DESTROYERFrom this http://forums.quakegate.ru/index.php?topic=638.msg14777#msg14777 and on the other page for continue
28 июня 2012 в 05:57
It doesn't help me.<br /><br />berserker.exe +set game <modName> +set net_compatibility 1<br />Then, go to Multiplayer menu, Start <modName> server, Begin.<br />For save or load game, use sv_save or sv_load
28 июня 2012 в 11:13
I don't know. Maybe Berserker can Help me with this Problem.
28 июня 2012 в 11:24
He will answer you the same thing :)
28 июня 2012 в 14:29
run the game with that parameter +set game <modName> +set net_compatibility 1 <br />(make shortcut and in area like
"D:\Games\Quake 2\Berserker.exe"
<br />put that parameter, so it should look like this:<br />"D:\Games\Quake 2\Berserker.exe" +set game <modName> +set net_compatibility 1
<br />Then do what Barnes said: launch game and go to Multiplayer menu, Start <modName> server, set 1st map (if you play the recoing it should be xswamp, in ground zero its rmine1) Begin.
29 июня 2012 в 10:27
I am Using the Latest Berserker@Quake2 Engine (1.36).I've Done it how you both Barnes and Beckett said,but when i tried to open a map at ground zero,when it says at the end Getting a Stufftext..., it Stucks, and I need to open the Task Manager and to Close the Game.I Need a Help with this.
02 июля 2012 в 10:20
Привет всем, я вернулся из санатория, где забыл что такое квака 8) шутю, шутю...<br /><br />2 THE-DESTROYER:<br />Try to start the game in windowed mode:<br />+set r_fullscreen 0<br />When you start <modName> server, R1Q2 dedicated server starts in separate thread. In windowed mode you can see R1Q2 console, or other error mesage boxes.<br />I started GZero mod, in windowed mode, and I seen the message box:<br /><br />It's mean: hunk memory allocation error.<br />I opened GZero\q2b_config.cfg, then seek "hunk_model" and wrote:<br />seta hunk_model "20000000"<br />Then start the game again. Map loaded successfully:<br />
06 января 2013 в 12:53
Hi, sorry for late reply, i tried whatever you said berserker, i tried the xatrix mode with berserker@quake2, but when i open, the map loads succesfully but it doesn't show me any monsters in the map. help please.