12 марта 2015 в 21:46
Berserker. What is "bloomstar" option in config?
13 марта 2015 в 07:25
r_bloomstar enables star-bloom effect, instead of normal bloom
I'll see iortcw for iqm model format.
r_bloomstar enables star-bloom effect, instead of normal bloom
I'll see iortcw for iqm model format.
15 марта 2015 в 14:41
Thanks for answer :) I have next question - how I can edit default config? I mean config applied when you restore default settings.
16 марта 2015 в 19:49
You mean graphic setting to default like in you intentions for all players? The simple way is making a simple autoexec.cfg file with you cvar list setting, very similar to common wolfconfig.cfg, I have do this too for my mod to make blood and marks infinity, etc. You can find this type of file in hundred of mods for games based id tech 1-2-3-4-5 to have examples..
You mean graphic setting to default like in you intentions for all players? The simple way is making a simple autoexec.cfg file with you cvar list setting, very similar to common wolfconfig.cfg, I have do this too for my mod to make blood and marks infinity, etc. You can find this type of file in hundred of mods for games based id tech 1-2-3-4-5 to have examples..
19 марта 2015 в 21:29
Берсеркер!-Some peoples have problem in my mod with your engine. They have error: bad GLSL shader. What thats mean and how can fix this?
21 марта 2015 в 07:57
Experimental IQM support
Please check it in the near time.
And give me iqm model for my tests.
PS: if IQM support not be checked in near time, I will rollback to previous backup of source code w/o IQM support!
New cvar: r_allow_MDS2IQM_override (cvar_latch, default 1)
If 1: when CGAME want to load MDS model, loader will try to load IQM first.
Please check it in the near time.
And give me iqm model for my tests.
PS: if IQM support not be checked in near time, I will rollback to previous backup of source code w/o IQM support!
New cvar: r_allow_MDS2IQM_override (cvar_latch, default 1)
If 1: when CGAME want to load MDS model, loader will try to load IQM first.
21 марта 2015 в 12:50
А как модель на карту поместить? (мой netradiant iqm не понимает)
22 марта 2015 в 06:19
А смысл iqm-модель помещать на карту?
Всё едино она будет преобразована в "суп из треугольников" (triangle soup) как часть BSP.
Всё едино она будет преобразована в "суп из треугольников" (triangle soup) как часть BSP.
23 марта 2015 в 01:21
I'm testing iqm and have problems with tags. engine cannot recognize tags and I don't know
it's problems of my iqm test file or problems of other things.
I converted mds to iqm like this way :
mds import by 3ds max and export it fbx format - convert fbx format to iqm by noesis v4147 with advanced command -mdrbtag "bonename;tagname" to add tags.
This is my test files link
it's problems of my iqm test file or problems of other things.
I converted mds to iqm like this way :
mds import by 3ds max and export it fbx format - convert fbx format to iqm by noesis v4147 with advanced command -mdrbtag "bonename;tagname" to add tags.
This is my test files link