29 марта 2015 в 09:51
new version of iqm model: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25jnhwp6ptt9p26/body0329.iqm?dl=0
I fixed most bugs found and now you may see almost correct model in game except weapons.
Axis and Tags afflicted me and I solved most of them, still weapon tag lies wrong direction
but this is not critical problem and will be solved soon.
I found new bugs in game:
1. original mds model can turn their waist, so that they aim player in natural motion.
But iqm model cannot do this.
2.iqm model don't cast shadow under specific dynamic lights. This is example:
Check this bugs out and tell me if you find problems with my model.
I fixed most bugs found and now you may see almost correct model in game except weapons.
Axis and Tags afflicted me and I solved most of them, still weapon tag lies wrong direction
but this is not critical problem and will be solved soon.
I found new bugs in game:
1. original mds model can turn their waist, so that they aim player in natural motion.
But iqm model cannot do this.
2.iqm model don't cast shadow under specific dynamic lights. This is example:
Check this bugs out and tell me if you find problems with my model.
29 марта 2015 в 15:33
New build: fixed IQM-entity bounding box calculation, light interaction with IQM work good now.
Two bugs of IQM model:
1. Model lifted up:
2. Strange mesh with invisible texture/material:
Two bugs of IQM model:
1. Model lifted up:
2. Strange mesh with invisible texture/material:
30 марта 2015 в 17:41
Берсеркер Can you make bers@sp with bersconfig.cfg in main??? I want one config for all users like in default rtcw. Pleasee! It's important to my remake mod :)
31 марта 2015 в 16:42
It's doesnt help me. I want one config created by me for all users of my remake mod with your engine. You know.. When someone install my mod with bers@sp he have yours default bers@sp config in profile folder. But I want my default config for all. It should be in main with no profile folders then I put my default bersconfig in main and all users will have one the same default config.
01 апреля 2015 в 07:15
Maybe you really need to make an autoexec.cfg, coping from bersconfig.cfg all your settings, except videocard and resolution.. Or there are another way to make a default config that I don't know?
Maybe you really need to make an autoexec.cfg, coping from bersconfig.cfg all your settings, except videocard and resolution.. Or there are another way to make a default config that I don't know?
01 апреля 2015 в 20:27
But autoexec in bers@sp working only in profile/user/ folder... autoexec in main is not working... :(
02 апреля 2015 в 02:14
Cbuf_AddText( "exec default.cfg\n" );
Cbuf_AddText( "exec language.cfg\n" ); //----(SA) added
com_profile = Cvar_Get("com_profile", "", CVAR_ROM); /// можно оверрайдить именем другого профиля
com_defaultProfile = Cvar_Get("com_defaultProfile", Sys_GetCurrentUser(), CVAR_ROM); /// по умолчанию = system username (может быть равен "" если имя содержит недопустимые символы или нелатинские буквы)
// skip the bersconfig.cfg if "safe" is on the command line
if ( !Com_SafeMode() )
char *com_profileStr = Cvar_VariableString("com_profile");
com_profileStr = Cvar_VariableString("com_defaultProfile"); /// без указания профиля: юзаем профиль дефолтный
{ /// если профиль (дефолтный или указанный) задан.
char profile[1024];
strncpy(profile, va("profiles/%s/bersconfig.cfg", com_profileStr), 1024);
{ /// если профиль не создан или инвалидный
/// скопируем со старого места .cfg в профиль
FS_Copy("bersconfig.cfg", profile);
FS_Copy("autoexec.cfg", va("profiles/%s/autoexec.cfg", com_profileStr));
Cbuf_AddText(va("exec profiles/%s/bersconfig.cfg\n", com_profileStr));
Cbuf_AddText(va("exec profiles/%s/autoexec.cfg\n", com_profileStr));
Cvar_Set("com_profile", com_profileStr);
{ // если не указан никакой профиль
Cbuf_AddText ("exec bersconfig.cfg\n"); /// возьмём настройки со старого, классического места...
Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n");
Cvar_Set("com_profile", "");
02 апреля 2015 в 02:15
see here:
..... using cfgs from profile folder
{ // using cfgs from old place: gamedir = "main" or other mod-name
Cbuf_AddText ("exec bersconfig.cfg\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n");
Cvar_Set("com_profile", "");
..... using cfgs from profile folder
{ // using cfgs from old place: gamedir = "main" or other mod-name
Cbuf_AddText ("exec bersconfig.cfg\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("exec autoexec.cfg\n");
Cvar_Set("com_profile", "");
02 апреля 2015 в 11:55
I don't know much about programming ... XD