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#1 05 марта 2013 в 17:33
Ok, this is it.<br /><br />I finally finished the whole animation thing and can share with you the model.<br /><br />It tooke me some time to proper learn how to do a bone rig with controllers etc.,<br />but at the end I&#039;m realy satisfied with the animation. Please don&#039;t get scared cos it&#039;s <br />very different from the original. I hope that after some time you get along with it!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Download link:<br /><br />Hope that someone will enjoy it so much as I making it....<br /><br />And a special THX to Berserker for his help!<br /><br />Cheers!<br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />After finishing my first model attempt with the super shotgun I decided to start a new project.<br /><br />This time, I will try to redo the Quake 2 machine gun. <br /><br />So here you have the finished high poly model. I didn&#039;t try to stay faithful to the original model as to get a realistic and as much as possible organic model.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />So please any sincere critic or suggestions are always welcomed.<br /><br />Till next time cheers!
1979 постов
Карма: 153
#2 05 марта 2013 в 17:58
nice! but remove extraction window from left side))
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
493 постов
Карма: 81
#3 06 марта 2013 в 16:00
Very good, but the left side of this rifle quite different,something like this<br />And this rifle is looks like M4A1 Carbine,if i&#039;m not wrong.
CPU-i7 12700,RAM-32 Gb DDR5,Video-RTX 4090
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#4 06 марта 2013 в 19:06
@Barnes I removed the whole left side out<br /><br />@v_2540 thanks and you are right about the Carbine<br /><br />But I have a really big problem. As it seems that&nbsp; Quake 2 Berserker game port support’s just the amount of vertices and poly&#039;s of the MD2 format which is really low:<br />4000 poly<br />2000 verts<br /><br />Maybe Berserker or someone with this kind of knowledge could give me a hand here, or at least a clarification?<br /><br />THX to all!<br />
2325 постов
Карма: 217
#5 08 марта 2013 в 08:55
You make the md3 models, is not it?<br />#define MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES 8192 // per mesh<br />#define MD3_MAX_VERTS 4096 // per mesh<br />#define MD3_MAX_MESHES 32 // per model<br />
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
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#6 09 марта 2013 в 10:40
Thank&#039;s for the info Berserker, you make me happy as you can&#039;t immagine how I was sad to leave one week of work!<br /><br />Must have done some king of error when exporting the low poly model to MD3 as it crushed the game.<br />Than I tried it in the KM Quake port witch allerted me that the MD3 model has to many vertices.<br /><br />I will remake the low poly model the best I can and try again!<br /><br /><br />Cheers
2325 постов
Карма: 217
#7 09 марта 2013 в 14:56
Must have done some kind of error when exporting the low poly model to MD3 as it crushed the game.
<br />Q2Berserker crushed? If yes.... can u give me this model for test and bug fixing?
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
55 постов
Карма: 22
#8 09 марта 2013 в 16:19
Hi Berserker hope you received my mail with the model...
2325 постов
Карма: 217
#9 09 марта 2013 в 19:39
#define&nbsp; MD3_MAX_VERTS&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4096&nbsp; // per mesh<br />Your model has 4466 vertices in mesh0.<br /><br />I expanded MD3_MAX_VERTS: 8192.&nbsp; Model loaded successfully:<br /><br /><br />Instead of increase MD3_MAX_VERTS, better broke model for 2 meshes, or simplify the model.<br />I can increase MD3 limits easy, but your model will works in Q2Bers only&nbsp; :)
Машина несла меня через неведомые районы Галактики сквозь пространство математической реальности быстрее скорости света. (C) Фред Саберхаген.
55 постов
Карма: 22
#10 10 марта 2013 в 09:25
Oh, big THX to you Berserker you make my day!<br /><br />I will adopt the second option to brake the model in to two meshes.<br /><br />Of course I will go dawn&nbsp; with the vertices as possible!<br /><br />OK than see you when I finish the normals and thank&#039;s again!