1984 постов
Карма: 153
#11 30 июня 2012 в 19:49
Load ambient world program Failed!<br />Load light world program Failed!<br /> ;D dont use this revision, im rewrite dynamic lighting code now.This is intermediate revisions.<br />You can use rev 247
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
16 постов
Карма: 7
#12 30 июня 2012 в 20:17
Ah thanks for your reply :)<br />I just always like having the latest version, but I&#039;ll revert to earlier build and re-compile. Thanks Kirk :) I can&#039;t wait to see the lighting changes, are they going to be dramatic changes? Or more like efficiency improvements of current system?
1984 постов
Карма: 153
#13 01 июля 2012 в 12:43
The changes will draw up to 32 dynamic light sources per frame. + Ability to run the game on the old gf6-7 cards. At the moment I killed the light styles, and there is no light at the brush models. <br />And in the rev247 available configuration files for textures.<br />Supported&nbsp; per-texture parallax height, specular intensity and spot size of light
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
75 постов
Карма: 5
#14 07 июля 2012 в 15:03
32 источника света это надо сказать хорошо.<br />Кстати после того как потёр всё что относится к openal в папке игры и поставил конкретное устройство в выборе источника звука то аппаратный звук заработал как положено.
1984 постов
Карма: 153
#15 07 июля 2012 в 17:05
на выходе скорость оказалась ниже чем по старому даже при 6 источниках. откатился на лайт прекеш
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
12 постов
Карма: 0
#16 02 августа 2012 в 22:21
Дорогой Barnes, третью неделю пытаюсь насладится вашим творением. Перепробовал все до чего только смог додуматься, но в итоге все же пришлось зарегистрироваться на вашем форуме и докучать вам вопросами. Моя проблема аналогична проблеме AluminumHaste, картинка в игре соответствует его скриншоту. Логи приложить не могу ибо уже перекроил весь корень квейка до нерабочего состояния.<br />Моего знания английского хватило на то что бы понять, что проблемы связаны с реализованным освещением в данном релизе и достаточно просто скачать более раннюю версию. Но все ссылки которые я нахожу ведут только на этот релиз. Еще находил сборку 2008-го, но за четыре года наверняка была проделана огромная работа и очень хочется её увидеть. Буду очень рад если вы мне поможете, потому что есть стойкое желание перепройти мою любимую игрушку именно с вашем модом.
1984 постов
Карма: 153
#17 03 августа 2012 в 04:42
у него не собрались шейдера тк он взял девелоп сборку.<br />конфигурацию компа озвучь пожалуйста. Заранее предупрежу что на гф6-7 работать не будет
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
12 постов
Карма: 0
#18 03 августа 2012 в 15:29
Windows XP SP3, Pentium D 3 GHz, 2 Gb RAM, Radeon X1650 Series (Разогнанный).<br /><br /><br />======= Winsock Initialized ======<br /><br />==== Starting OpenGL Renderer ====<br /><br />========System Information========<br /><br />Cpu Brand Name:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz<br />Number of CPUs: 2<br />CPU speed: ~3010MHz<br />Supported Extensions: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 EM64T<br />L1 Cache Size = 2 x 24K<br />L2 Cache Size = 2 x 2048K<br /><br />Total physical RAM:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2047 MB<br />Available physical RAM:&nbsp; 754 MB<br />Total PageFile:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4095 MB<br />Available PageFile:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4095 MB<br />Total Virtual Memory:&nbsp; &nbsp; 2047 MB<br />Available Virtual Memory: 1920 MB<br /><br />OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 build 2600<br /><br />UserName: Ali<br /><br />===OpenIL library initiation...===<br />OpenIL VENDOR:&nbsp; Abysmal Software<br />OpenIL Version: 178<br />==================================<br /><br />Initializing OpenGL display<br />...setting mode 0:[800x600] Full Screen<br />...attempting fullscreen<br />...using desktop frequency: 75 hz<br />...calling CDS: ok<br /><br />=============================<br />Checking Basic WGL Extensions<br />=============================<br /><br />...using WGL_ARB_pixel_format<br />...WGL_NV_multisample_coverage not found<br />...ignoring WGL_ARB_multisample<br /><br />=============================<br /><br />WGL_PFD: Color 32-bits, Depth 24-bits, Alpha 8-bits, Stencil 8-bits<br /><br />GL_VENDOR:&nbsp; ATI Technologies Inc.<br />GL_RENDERER: Radeon X1650 Series<br />GL_VERSION:&nbsp; 2.1.8545 Release<br />GL_EXTENSIONS:<br />GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_meminfo GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control<br /><br />=====================================<br />Checking Basic Quake II XP Extensions<br />=====================================<br /><br />...using WGL_EXT_swap_control<br />...using GL_ARB_multitexture<br />...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic<br />&nbsp; [16 max] [16 selected]<br />...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression<br />...using GL_EXT_draw_range_elements<br />...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side<br />...using GL_ARB_occlusion_query<br />&nbsp; Found 32 occlusion query bits<br />...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two<br />...using GL_ARB_texture_rectangle<br />...GL_NV_conditional_render not found<br />...using GL_ARB_fragment_shader<br />...using GL_ARB_vertex_shader<br /><br />&nbsp; GLSL Version:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.20<br />&nbsp; maxFragmentUniformComponents:&nbsp; 512<br />&nbsp; maxVertexUniformComponents:&nbsp; &nbsp; 512<br />&nbsp; maxVertexAttribs:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 16<br />&nbsp; maxVaryingFloats:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 44<br />&nbsp; maxVertexTextureImageUnits:&nbsp; &nbsp; 0<br />&nbsp; maxTextureImageUnits:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 16<br />&nbsp; maxCombinedTextureImageUnits:&nbsp; 16<br />&nbsp; maxFragmentUniformComponents:&nbsp; 512<br /><br />Initializing programs...<br /><br />Load bsp program PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/diffuse.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/diffuse.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/diffuse.fp<br />program &#039;diffuse&#039;: link error(s): Fragment shader(s) failed to link,&nbsp; vertex shader(s) linked. <br />WARNING: 2:179: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:189: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:199: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:209: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:219: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:229: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:239: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:249: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:259: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:269: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:279: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:289: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:299: implicit cast from int to float<br /> <br /><br />...<br /><br />Здесь вырезаны сообщения в том же духе, иначе не влезает.<br /><br />...<br /><br /><br />program &#039;diffuse&#039;: link error(s): Fragment shader(s) failed to link,&nbsp; vertex shader(s) linked. <br />WARNING: 2:179: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:189: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:199: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:209: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:219: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:229: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:239: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:249: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:259: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:269: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:279: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:289: implicit cast from int to float<br />WARNING: 2:299: implicit cast from int to float<br /> <br />Failed!<br />Load ambient model program PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/ambientAlias.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/ambientAlias.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/ambientAlias.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load bump model program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/aliasBump.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/aliasBump.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/aliasBump.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load gauss blur program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/gaussX.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/gaussX.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/gaussX.fp<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/gaussY.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/gaussY.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/gaussY.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load radial blur program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/radialBlur.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/radialBlur.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/radialBlur.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load dof blur program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/dof.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/dof.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/dof.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load bloom program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/bloomds.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/bloomds.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/bloomds.fp<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/bloomfp.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/bloomfp.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/bloomfp.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load refraction program PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/refract.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/refract.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/refract.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load thermal vision program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/thermal.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/thermal.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/thermal.fp<br />program &#039;thermal&#039;: link error(s): Fragment shader(s) failed to link,&nbsp; vertex shader(s) linked. <br />Fragment Shader not supported by HW <br />FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/thermalfp.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/thermalfp.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/thermalfp.fp<br />Failed!<br />Load water program PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/water.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/water.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/water.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load particles program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/particles.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/particles.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/particles.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load shadow program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/shadow.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/shadow.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/shadow.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load generic program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/generic.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/generic.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/generic.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load cinematic program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/cin.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/cin.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/cin.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load load screen program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/loading.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/loading.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/loading.fp<br />program &#039;loading&#039;: error(s) in fragment shader:<br />-----------<br />Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:<br />ERROR: 1:20: &#039;Desaturate&#039; : signature matching could not take type conversions into account in GLSL1.10 <br />ERROR: 1:20: &#039;=&#039; :&nbsp; cannot convert from &#039;const float&#039; to &#039;4-component vector of float&#039;<br />ERROR:&nbsp; compilation errors.&nbsp; No code generated.<br /><br />-----------<br />Failed!<br />Load fxaa program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/fxaa.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/fxaa.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/fxaa.fp<br />succeeded<br />Load film grain program FindFile: can&#039;t find glsl/filmGrain.defs<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/filmGrain.vp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : glsl/filmGrain.fp<br />succeeded<br /><br /><br />=====================================<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/pt_blast.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/pt_blast.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/bubble.png<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/bubble.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/fly/fly0.png<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/fly/fly0.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/bloodTrail.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/bloodTrail.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/bloodTrail2.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/bloodTrail2.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/smoke.png<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/smoke.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/drop.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/drop.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/spark.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/spark.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/pt_beam.png<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/pt_beam.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/flame/fire_00.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/flame/fire_00.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/bloodhit0.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/bloodhit0.wal<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : gfx/particles/xbloodhit0.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/particles/xbloodhit0.wal<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find gfx/explode/rlboom_0.tga<br /><br />......<br /><br />Bad image file pics/menuback.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find pics/menuback.tga<br /><br />......<br /><br />FindFile: can&#039;t find pics/menuback.tga<br />Bad image file pics/menuback.tga<br />==== ShutdownGame ====<br />Server was killed.<br />SV_WipeSaveGame(current)<br />SV_GameMap(*ntro.cin+base1)<br />SV_WipeSaveGame(current)<br />LoadLibrary (./baseq2/gamex86xp.dll)<br />==== InitGame ====<br /><br />==== Use Quake2xp Net Protocol ====<br /><br />------- Server Initialization -------<br />SpawnServer: ntro.cin<br />0 entities inhibited<br />0 teams with 0 entities<br />-------------------------------------<br />SV_WriteServerFile(true)<br />SV_CopySaveGame(current, save0)<br />SV_WipeSaveGame(save0)<br />CopyFile (./baseq2/save/current/server.ssv, ./baseq2/save/save0/server.ssv)<br />CopyFile (./baseq2/save/current/game.ssv, ./baseq2/save/save0/game.ssv)<br />Packet loopback : connect<br />SVC_DirectConnect ()<br />input protocol is 80<br />loopback: client_connect<br />New() from Player<br />Serverdata packet received.<br />FindFile: ./baseq2/video/ntro.cin<br />S_Streaming_Add: restarting stream, starved<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find pics/menuback.tga<br />Bad image file pics/menuback.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/<br />Nextserver() from Player<br />SV_GameMap(base1)<br />------- Server Initialization -------<br />SpawnServer: base1<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : maps/base1.bsp<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find maps/base1.ent<br />External entities not found. Use bsp entities<br />Using external layout baseq2/hud/sphud.lst<br />Couldn&#039;t open baseq2/hud/sphud.lst<br />Using internal hud program<br />27 entities inhibited<br />1 teams with 2 entities<br />-------------------------------------<br />SV_WriteServerFile(true)<br />SV_CopySaveGame(current, save0)<br />SV_WipeSaveGame(save0)<br />CopyFile (./baseq2/save/current/server.ssv, ./baseq2/save/save0/server.ssv)<br />CopyFile (./baseq2/save/current/game.ssv, ./baseq2/save/save0/game.ssv)<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find pics/menuback.tga<br />Bad image file pics/menuback.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/<br />stufftext: changing<br /><br /><br />Changing map...<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find pics/menuback.tga<br />Bad image file pics/menuback.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/<br /><br /><br />*****<br /><br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/skin_light.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find models/items/quaddama/<br />Bad image file models/items/quaddama/<br />S_Streaming_Add: called with 6300 bytes when disabled<br />Nextserver() from wrong level, from Player<br />stufftext: reconnect<br /><br />reconnecting...<br />S_Streaming_Add: called with 6300 bytes when disabled<br />New() from Player<br />Serverdata packet received.<br /><br /><br />Outer Base<br />stufftext: cmd configstrings 13337 0<br /><br />*****<br /><br />Baselines() from Player<br />stufftext: cmd baselines 13337 288<br /><br />Baselines() from Player<br />stufftext: precache 13337<br /><br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : maps/base1.bsp<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xpMdl.pkx : models/items/healing/medium/tris.md2<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xpMdl.pkx : models/items/healing/medium/tris.md2<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xpMdl.pkx : models/items/healing/medium/skin.pcx<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : models/weapons/v_blast/tris.md2<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xp0.pkx : models/weapons/v_blast/tris.md2<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : models/weapons/v_blast/skin.pcx<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : models/objects/gibs/sm_meat/tris.md2<br /><br />......<br /><br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : env/unit1_dn.tga<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : env/unit1_dn.pcx<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xpTex0.pkx : textures/e1u1/metal2_1.tga<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xpTex0.pkx : textures/e1u1/metal2_1.tga<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/q2xpTex0.pkx : textures/e1u1/metal2_1.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find textures/e1u1/metal3_5.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find textures/e1u1/metal3_5.jpg<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : textures/e1u1/metal3_5.wal<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find textures/e1u1/metal3_5.tga<br />FindFile: can&#039;t find textures/e1u1/metal3_5.jpg<br />PackFile: ./baseq2/pak0.pak : textures/e1u1/metal3_5.wal<br /><br />.....<br /><br /><br />FindFile: can&#039;t find pics/menuback.tga<br />Bad image file pics/menuback.tga<br />==== ShutdownGame ====<br />Music shutdown<br />Stopped playing music<br />EFX shutdown<br />Shutting down OpenAL subsystem<br />...alcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ): succeeded<br />...destroying AL context<br />...closing device<br />...shutting down QAL<br />...unloading OpenAL DLL<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />По моему не подгружаются стандартные текстуры. Поскольку раньше не баловался модингом квейка то файлы кинул прямо в корень. Текстуры куда только не пробовал добавлять. Даже в ваши архивы запаковывал. Метод тыка, что поделать.
1984 постов
Карма: 153
#19 03 августа 2012 в 17:06
Видяха у тебя слишком допотопная, как я&nbsp; и ожидал. Тупо не хватает переменных для шейдера мира.<br />вот к примеру данные по глсл с моей видяхи<br /><br /><br />&nbsp; GLSL Version:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler<br />&nbsp; maxFragmentUniformComponents:&nbsp; 2048<br />&nbsp; maxVertexUniformComponents:&nbsp; &nbsp; 4096<br />&nbsp; maxVertexAttribs:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 16<br />&nbsp; maxVaryingFloats:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 60<br />&nbsp; maxVertexTextureImageUnits:&nbsp; &nbsp; 32<br />&nbsp; maxTextureImageUnits:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 32<br />&nbsp; maxCombinedTextureImageUnits:&nbsp; 96<br />&nbsp; maxFragmentUniformComponents:&nbsp; 2048<br /><br />Я могу сделать запуск на таком старье, но с попиксельным динамик освещением придется попрощаться<br />
Какой богатый внутренний мир! Дай-ка посмотрю.....
12 постов
Карма: 0
#20 03 августа 2012 в 21:08
<br />Видяха у тебя слишком допотопная, как я&nbsp; и ожидал.<br />
<br />Ясно, но обновлять компьютер в ближайшее время не собирался. Пока ограничился только прикручиванием второго кулера к видеокарте.<br /><br />
<br />Я могу сделать запуск на таком старье, но с попиксельным динамик освещением придется попрощаться.<br />
<br /><br />Был бы очень рад этому.